Exciting times are ahead for us.
We have moved! We’ve sold our property and have selected a new location.
Where are we? Well…Cypress we’re coming to you! We are at the corner of 290 and Barker Cypress. I know a lot of you won’t be happy with this move, but we’ll still be offering our free delivery on orders over $250. So if you want to drive out to pick favorite frame supplies, we’ll turn your project around and bring it to you.
We hope you’ll stick with us during this conversion and we want to make it a smooth as possible.
We’re really looking forward to meeting new customers from one of the faster growing communities in Texas. As many of you know, we’ve been residents of Cypress for more than 20 years. We’ve watched the area grow beyond our wildest dreams. We’ve loved living in the community and raising our children there. Now we move our business there and hope to become your go to place to frame your family memories.